We advise that you proactively cancel or reschedule your appointment if you are sick (which includes a cough, cold, fever, flu, etc.) or have symptoms of an illness. In an effort to maintain a healthy environment, if you arrive for your appointment with visible symptoms of an illness, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment & will be charged 100% of your original service to reschedule. We have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, refer to our Refusal of Service above.
This is for your well being as well as the health of our employees and other clients. Receiving a service when you are sick is not recommended. While in the early and acute stages of a cold, the flu or other illness, a manicure or pedicure service can accelerate the onset of the infection and intensify its severity (via additional circulation of blood & lymph).
Please wait until you have been well for at least a week before getting your service. If you do need to cancel your appointment, please do so 24 hours before your scheduled appointment so you are not charged the full amount (refer to Cancellation terms) and we’ll be happy to reschedule your appointment when you feel better.